Thursday, June 15, 2006

Welcome back to the blogosphere/verse/corner Zach Braff. The talented triple threat writer/actor/director has finally opened his site, and was nice enough to post his video blog on the YouTube site. He's always been pretty open and cool with his fans, and it looks like the site will have plenty of opportunities to submit short films, music and all types of goodies. And in return for our time, Zach has posted a first look at his next film "The Last Kiss" which comes out on September 15th written by Paul Haggis (Crash) and directed by Tony Goldwyn.

I fully realize this is Zach Braff's continued mission to destroy me. First he learns to act, writes, and directs a film - all to beat me to Natalie Portman, and now he opens a new blog and gets more hits in the course of a day than I do all month. Well played Vanilla Bear, the duel continues...