Monday, February 13, 2006

Spent Saturday night at a party to commemorate some work-friends who are having a baby next month. The theme was something like "It's All Gonna Change Now, Oh My God!". Which is why men don't throw baby showers. A good time was had, can't complain since I got home after the sun came up. Some thoughts:

  • There is a song that will loosen up a karoke crowd, that will turn "no, not me" into "give me the microphone and let me show you how it's done". That song is Banana Boat (Day-O) by Harry Belafonte. I mean, who hasn't seen Beetlejuice? Take this knowledge and go forth.

  • While we are on the subject, how can a karaoke book have "Get Busy" by Sean Paul but misses out on "Poison" by Bell Biv Devoe?

  • Does every redheaded woman know every song lyric from "The Little Mermaid"?

  • Bachelor bartender: A Purple Haze is one part Vodka, one part Blue Curacao, and enough cranberry to turn blue to purple. I don't know how I forgot this, but it's a pretty looking drink to make for a lady.

  • At what point are you too old to drink beer from a funnel? I vote 30.

  • I refer to the movie Animal House for this quote "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son. " It also is not the way to play poker. (It was a "just for fun" game... I think.)

  • Don't tell me the universe doesn't have a sense of humour: at a party to celebrate the impending birth of a baby, it was around 3 in the morning when the mother-to-be casually brought up she had been having some contractions. That'll sober you up quickly. I was going to say "mild" contractions, but I'm pretty sure even a mild one would kill me. We ended the night with no trips to the hospital by the way; she felt fine later.