Thursday, February 16, 2006

Warren Ellis, writer of comic books and other good things, posted a note about the upcoming San Diego Comic Con, aka Nerd Prom. And then Joss Whedon added his two cents in the comment section. And then Warren replied. It was, as they say, "on". I may put up the transcript later. It's all in good fun, though it devolves into not-so family friendly. And poor John Cassady, who draws Ellis's Planetary and Whedon's Astonishing X-Men caught in the middle, while giving a new context to "Say my name!" when he's dragged into the war of words.

Joss vs Warren takes place throughout the comment section of the first link. - The Long March To Nerd Prom Begins - Joss Whedon Schools Me In The Way Of The Nerd


Will said...

I would be interested to see the transcript - being quite the Joss fanatic myself.

I stumbled here from Artifacts, and was intrigued because I had a very short lived band called 2 Scoop.