Monday, February 27, 2006

Happy Birthday to Nicole, one of my oldest friends!

Even though we haven't seen each other in a while, she still manages to crack me up without trying. For example, this line in a recent email:

"...all I seem to do is go to kickboxing and plan the wedding."

Amused me all day, picturing a kickboxing bride, roundhouse and a veil. I think that would come in handy with the wedding planning and all. Wedding Planning: The Chuck Norris way.

Caterer: And we will be charging you this much for the crab puffs.
Kickboxing Bride: KYAIIIIII!!!
Caterer: We can bring that down a bit.

One of the things I remember we had in common was both being fans of Robert Fulghum while we were in high school. Robert Fulghum is a writer, best known for All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. His stories tended to provide a sense of optimism and about seeing things in a different light, something I still carry with me to this day.

So for my friend, here is Robert Fulghum's website with new stories posted to it. Enjoy!

PS So jealous you are spending your birthday in Montreal and going to the New Pornographers concert.

Robert Fulghum, OFFICIAL Website, see NEW stories!