Monday, December 25, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
so which team does Rinaldo play for?
And on a final note, how bad does the NFC suck? Seriously. Green Bay might make the playoffs. That's how bad the NFC sucks.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Step Two: Put Your Junk In The Box
I think it's funnier the censored way, when I thought they were bleeping Cox, but it's actually D*@k. I think the alliteration of Cox is funnier. Which also reminds me of an old Scrubs scene with Elliott (Sarah Chalke) complaning about Dr. Cox (John McGinley):
I started an "I hate Cox" chat room. It didn't work out the way I planned. It's just me, two interns and 14,000 lesbians.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Good Grief, it's a Merry Christmas from Scrubs
Monday, December 11, 2006
Making a list, checking it twice. I said "twice" dammit!
In short order my Monday looks like this:
- gather materials for meeting with management on the status of my training program. I'm looking to them for suggestions, ideas and improvements to the system. But first I need to find a printer to print this stuff on, as the printer I use was reassigned with another department on another floor.
- one of the kittens I am petsitting got out this morning. They are allowed outdoors, but I am working late and won't be home until late to let her back in. It's mild out, so I am not worried about the weather, but I will have to duck out at lunch or dinner and go to the house to make sure she is inside.
- trying to fix a family misunderstanding (which isn't directly involved with me but will affect me anyway) before Christmas gets here. I don't understand why I have to be the adult amongst 50 and 60 years olds, but there I go sucking it up and handling this bullshit. And it is bullshit.
- unrelated to that debacle, I am planning a nice suprise for my Mom for her visit this Christmas which, with some assistance from my friends R., is something she will genuinely enjoy.
- and more pleasantly, I'm trying to put together a pleasant holiday gathering for my friends.
All told, I am juggling much today, but I found the time to let you know I am alive and sort of well. I'll find fun stuff and gift ideas for you all in the next few days.
Friday, December 08, 2006
take me out
The boss is taking us out to dinner tonight at a nice pub. I and several coworkers, are wearing jeans and dress shirts, as it is casual Friday. However, I just got the heads up that "jeans at a work function" is a pet peeve of the boss. I figured I'd be fine with my nice dress jacket and jeans, as it is a pub, but I might be wrong.
Do I:
- run out to the GAP and grab some khakis on my break, inadvertanly screwing over other co-workers?
- stop at the house, change, and drive to the event in Pickering, inadvertantly screwing over the other co-workers?
- show up in my nice jeans, shirt and blazer and just ride it out ?
Jason, who can't believe he actually might be underdressed for once in his life
Update: Alright, I picked the "don't screw over my co-workers" route. Fun and a new running joke was had by all.Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Ho Ho Ho-ly Crap
I give you the opening to The Star Wars Holiday Special. Oh George Lucas, what were you thinking?
Update: Master Lucas, I apologize. I re-read the Wikipedia entry on The Star Wars Holiday Special, and I realize now that you actually had little to do with the special, and I imagine it's one of the reasons that everything Star Wars related goes through you first. I did like the alleged quote from George Lucas about how if he had the time and money he'd hunt every copy down and pound it with a sledgehammer.
Now I want to find a clip of Harrison Ford's appearance on Conan O'Brien when he was asked about the special, Conan plays a clip, and Ford is clearly mortified.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Why does this stable playset come with a pole and a line of blow?
My Little Pony is not quite as skanky as Bratz. What more can I say about the stripper ponies?
Stripper names? Check: Paradise, Cherries Jubilee, Lickety Split, Galaxy, Morning Glory.Garish ass tattooes? check
Neon makeup with criminal use of eye shadow? Obviously
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Not So Beneficial
I wish there was an additional option:
"I want all my benefits to go to my parents. And I'd like all my debts to be divided amongst this list of ex-girlfriends, bad dates and "thanks, let's just be friends".
That'll show them for ordering the lobster and not putting out.*
* You know i'm kidding. I'd never take a woman out where she could order lobster; not without foreplay first.** That's just a rookie mistake.
** Yes, still kidding.
Triptafan-tastic Turkey Day
The grand champion, Muhammed Ali of Thanksgiving episodes is best summed up in this clip:
Friday, November 10, 2006
Pass interference
"Oh the handles aren't on here. Let me fix it, it's just like one of the boxes I use for my comic book collection..."
I notice I'm surrounded by women
"...I mean football trophies."
Do you have a reservation for "Mr. Bag"? First name is "Douche"
Posted by Karen Whaley
Streeter: Homophobic Dining Edition
Overheard at a King Street eatery, 10:00 PM Tuesday.
Patron*: "Excuse me, waitress? Can I please be moved to a different table? I think the two men at the table next to mine are gay."Waitress: "And you don't want to catch it, right?"
Patron: "Well, I'm not worried about that. I'm just concerned about...you know...hearing private conversations."
Didn't anyone tell him this was Canada? We let gay people get married here.
*On a side-note, Patron was the holder of a Centurion Card, an American Express credit card for the rich and famous which requires its holder to charge a minimum of US$250,000 annually. Which just goes to show that money can buy you a lot of things, but not tolerance and a little class.
What would Bluto Blutarsky say?
*sigh* Stupid stupid frat boys.
The plaintiffs were not named in the lawsuit "to protect themselves from any additional and unnecessary embarrassment." They were identified in the movie as fraternity members from a South Carolina university, and appeared drunk as they made insulting comments about women and minorities to Cohen's character.to protect themselves from any additional and unnecessary embarrassment." They were identified in the movie as fraternity members from a South Carolina university, and appeared drunk as they made insulting comments about women and minorities to Cohen's character.
After a bout of heavy drinking, the plaintiffs signed a release form they were told "had something to do with reliability issues with being in the RV," Taillieu said.
The film "made plaintiffs the object of ridicule, humiliation, mental anguish and emotional and physical distress, loss of reputation, goodwill and standing in the community," the lawsuit said.
November 11th
On the 11th day of the 11th month, at the 11th hour, take a moment, just one moment out of your day, and remember the thousands of men and women who sacrificed their lives fighting for freedom and democracy during the First World War, the Second World War, the Korean War, the Afghanistan conflict and during peacekeeping missions. Think of those who have come before us and those right this minute, who are sacrificing more than anyone should ever ask. Think of their family, think of the lives that were lost, the time that was lost. Think of the lives that were saved, and of the people that are here because of those men and women.
I choose to remember all this, and I choose to remember my Uncle Lou. He's my dad's uncle, and he was a member of the Canadian Artillery in World War 2. He was from Canada, and he met my dad's Aunt Liz while he was stationed overseas. I think he was on leave in Scotland. Liz and Lou married and Liz came to Canada as a war bride. One summer my grandmother (Liz's sister), and my father came to visit from Scotland. And my dad came to like Canada, and thought this would be a good place for a young man looking for a future. And that's how my dad, and my family, came to Canada, and it's why I was born a Canadian.
Uncle Lou passed away last year, and I always remember that, because of him, I was given the honour and privilege of being Canadian, and in the grand scheme of things just being here.
It's not a war story, but it's life turned out. A young man joins the army to fight in the Second World War; a young man visits Canada and thinks it would be a good place make a life; and a young man looks at the poppy on his lapel and thinks how lucky he is to be here.
In Flanders Fields
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders Fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
- John McCrae, 1915
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
I wonder if AOL owns fitness clubs, because this sounds familiar
( man trying to cancel his AOL account over the phone; make with the clicky here for the full article and mp3 of his conversation with an AOL rep)
scooped from BoingBoing
Gossip Folks
Neil Patrick Harris, who is criminally good on the show How I Met Your Mother (this week's "Swarley!" gag was priceless), is the latest celeb to feel compelled to out himself as a "content gay man". Bloggerattzi Perez Hilton has a mad-on for outing celebs. Jenster said he'd been on Neil Patrick Harris case for a while, and Perez's site keeps on naming names in an effort to make himself noticed. A couple of those names have been speculated for years, while a few were surprising if true.
It's lousy that he feels the need to do that just because some celeb reporter is bullying him out of the closet online. His orientation doesn't change how well he acts, although it does probably mean that he never did, in fact, get together with Wanda on Doogie Howser. It's remarkable how Neil Patrick Harris has created to distinctly different characters, Doogie Howser MD and Barney the toxic bachelor on HIMYM. Although this outing supports my theory that straight men don't play the EmCee role in Cabaret (Alan Cumming originated the role.)
If only someone could adopt an African baby while simultaneously outing themselves while divorcing their spouse, that would be a celeb-gossip trifecta:
"I've decided to leave my husband of 2 years and, with my lesbian life partner, will raise this child like he were my own African baby. We ask for privacy from the media, as soon as we finish our interviews on Oprah, The View, and Howard Stern."I wonder why nobody ever comes out as bi-sexual? I also wonder how surprised my friend G. must be, now that he's learned the man who did coke off a nude stripper in Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle (sequel confirmed by the way) is in fact gay. He was surprised when I mentioned Ian McKellan was the first gay man to be knighted:
"Gandalf's gay!???!"Which would only be a surprise to anyone who didn't see his date on Oscar night, a rather young and shiny lad, or his appearance on Saturday Night Live where he was shown bopping along off-stage to Kylie Minogue's dance routine while checking out her dancers.
Monday, November 06, 2006
To all the shows I've loved before
The one's that interested me were:
The Dana Carvey Show (ABC 1996) Now I never saw this show in it's brief existence, but this is a case of wishing you had a portal to the future, because if execs could see where their writer's from this show would end up in the next 2 - 10 years, they would have kept going: Steve Carrell, Stephen Colbert, Charlie Kaufmann, Bob Odenkirk, Louis C.K. and Robert Smigel.
Cupid (ABC 1998) Paula Marshall is a psychologist whose patient, Jeremy Piven, believes he's Cupid, cast out from Olympus and banished until he can unite 100 couples without using magic arrows or divine intervention. I thought Paula Marshall and the motormouth Piven had great chemistry, and it was an interesting premise, but audiences just don't want to watch relationships shows (Alicia Silverstone and Heather Graham both had sitcoms with a similar matchmaker theme). I haven't seen it pop up on DVD yet, but there are some online torrents of the series floating about.
Freeks & Geeks (NBC 1999) Do yourself a favour and rent this DVD set. You'll see some excellent stories that remind you that high school was a time of freaks and geeks. Some great performances from several actors just starting out, including Jason Segal (Marshall on How I Met Your Mother), Seth Rogan (40 Year Old Virgin) and Linda Cardellini (ER). The three guys who played the younger geeks all turned in several really good performances set in an age where kids with single parents were on the upsurge.
Undeclared (Fox 2001) - Like Freaks & Geeks, it was also created by Judd Apatow, it also captured the simultaneous thrill and terror of being on your own at university. More comedic that Freeks & Geeks, and just as endearing.
Other one-season wonders include Firefly, Action, Profit and Police Squad. I would have added in Wonderfalls myself, but you can check out the list for yourself on The Onion AV Club.
Scooped from A List of Things Thrown Five Minutes Ago.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Stephen Colbert on the YouTube deletions
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
more tricks and treats
My boss taught his little boy a cute party trick. Instead of 'what does the cow say?' he asks him:
"What does the zombie say?"
and the 3 year old sticks his arms out in front of him and in a scary voice:
Greg & Mich dressed up their daughter Brenna as a princess this year. She's probably the only trick or treater who had D&D character sheet made up for her: "OK sweetie, remember: you're a human princess with D6 Initiative, +2 Charisma, and you need to roll for damage. Who's Daddy's little paladin?"
A couple of times last night, I'd be hanging on to one of the kittens with one hand to keep them from running out the door and handing out candy with the other hand. A lot of the kids seemed mroe excited to pet a kitten than to get candy.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
tricks and treats

Monday, October 30, 2006
YouTube pulling clips
It seems to be reactionary on YouTube's part; there is no actual formal charges or lawsuits being pursued, likely just a "third-party notification by Comedy Central,” telling YouTube to purge the clips and YouTube preferring to comply rather than take the time to see if they actually have to or not.
It does seem like a disappointing move by Comedy Central particularly, who benefited from the attention YouTube generated for their properties. "The Daily Show" and "The Colbert Report" both use YouTube on their shows and refer to them in stories. And how many people realized that South Park is still funny after receiving YouTube clips of "Stuck in The Closet"?
Once Comedy Central were the cool teacher, showing "Ren & Stimpy" episodes in class, taking us outside when it was nice out and it fun to find out new things. Now they're that bitter drunk teacher who just gave you a 10 page essay to write on the long weekend and smells like mothballs. I'd show a funny clip to illustrate the point, but YouTube deleted it.
Update: TV Tattle.com says "Comedy Central says it only removed lengthy clips from YouTube. Shortened clips haven't been purged from the video Web site. Only clips encompassing full episodes were taken down. "
Slate.com examines the murky legal waters of copyright law with Does YouTube Really Have Legal Problems?
NY Times: YouTube Is Purging Copyrighted Clips
Teeth on the Dial - TV News
A summary of TV stuff from last week, mostly from TV Tattle.com
"How I Met Your Mother" gives Barney a brother -- Wayne Brady
"Studio 60," "The Nine," "Men in Trees" & "Help Me" have all received orders for additional scripts. While not a full season order, it's good news for these ratings challenged series.
"Sesame Street's" nostalgic DVDs are for adults only!? - The "Old School" DVDs featuring episodes from 1969-74 comes with this odd disclaimer "these early 'Sesame Street' episodes are intended for grown-ups and may not meet the needs of today's pre-school child." It turns out that "Sesame Street" added the disclaimer to protect kids from being distressed at the changes the show has made over 37 years.
NBC resurrects 2-hour Thursday comedy block with "Scrubs" & "30 Rock" - Scrubs is back earlier than planned (it was supposed to come back in January or later), and NBC is putting it's Thursday night comedy block back together again after the past few years have seen The Apprentice and Deal or No Deal filling space at 9pm. The blcok will be starting Nov. 30, and will see "My Name is Earl" and "The Office", followed by "Scrubs" & "30 Rock". Odd note: This leads to the battle of "Scrubs" vs. "Grey's Anatomy", a battle only TIVO can win.
ABC will bring back "Lost" on Feb. 7 - After a 13-week hiatus through the holidays, "Lost" will return Feb. 7 for an uninterrupted run of 16 episodes. The last new episode of "Lost" is Nov. 7th.
"SNL's" 1st season coming to DVD A move that seems to scream "See, we were cutting edge and funny once! This is why there are two primetime shows about life behind the scenes at SNL type shows!"
It's true!: "Fraggle Rock" is coming out with a movie
Friday, October 27, 2006
Nobody's Watching "Lost"
"We thank you for the Rock N Roll Hobbit." BWAHHAHAHHHAHA!!!
Found on TV Tattle.com
- Streetcar gets me home by 6pm.
- Take the dog for a long walk.
- Stop off to pick up piping hot fish & chips.
- Get home and munch on said fish & chips, and chase them down with a bottle of Mill Street Brewery Coffee Porter beer.
- Watch funny re-run of The Office.
- Read new Terry Prachett paperback while listening to music and picking kittens off my sweater.
A Dram of Scotch and a Timbit
Say you put a man on a plane, flew him around for hours or knocked him out A-Team style, so that he had no idea how long or how far he flew. Then have the plane land in Hamilton. And have 500 of your closest friends in Hamilton speak with a Scottish accent all day and drive on the left side of the road. Would the man assume he was in Glasgow? If you got dropped in the middle of Glasgow, with 500 hosers and a Tim Hortons on every corner, would you be able to tell the difference between Glasgow, Scotland and Hamilton, Ontario?
Whisper to a Scream
Good news came this week as, despite the odds, he seems to have found a way to reboot that part of the brain and he regained some use of his voice back. It's an odd and fascinating tale of losing something you take for granted, and then trying any way possible to get it back.
Scott Adams :: A Good New's Day
Scott must have millions of fans, just based on how many office cubicles have some Dilbert cartoon stuck up on the wall ("Must ... control ... fist ... of death!") With the outpouring from fans and friends alike, Scott says "I am more touched than a congressional page." At least the funny bits of the brain are still there too. All the best Scott!

Found on A List of Things Thrown Five Minutes Ago
Thursday, October 26, 2006
trick and treats
It's getting pretty brisk out there, with the temp down to the single digits most days. This reminds me of Halloween when I was growing up in Calgary. It was usually cold around the end of October, with an early frost or some snow. We'd put on our winter jackets, put our plastic Woolco/K-Mart costumes on over that. With all the layers we looked like fat versions of our characters. We'd look like Fat He-Man, Fat GI Joe or Fat Pirate. It never occured to my brother or I to go out as Fat Albert.
Back in the 80s, most of the Halloween costumes you could buy were cheap plastic masks and coveralls. You could only get one night's use out of them. The fun fact is that when the temperature drops down enough, those plastic costumes and mask would break apart. That's how we knew we'd been out more than an hour: my Mer-Man mask would start to break apart and then I was just Kid in Winter Coat with Plastic Pieces Clinging To Me. My fantasy about filling a pillow case or a garbage bag would never come true, because those costumes would disintergrate at the stroke of 7pm.
Everyone has their own favourite candy or treat, the thing that would be your "Score" of the night. Usually it was house handing out chips or cans of pop. You always heard there was a house handing out full-sized candy, but I always thought that was an urban myth. Until I found the Hershey household.
For me, it was always mini O-Henry bars. My Dad always loved those rocket candies, my brother liked the Coffee Crisps, but I always liked the O-Henry's. We used to pool all the candy at the end of the night and split it, then end up trading with one another for our favourites. By the end, there was always that leftover pile of stuff nobody wanted, usually those rock-hard stale toffee candy wrapped in Halloween wrappers and Sun-Maid boxes of raisins that have congealed together. That's the stuff that would stay at the bottom of the Halloween Candy horde until the end of March.
Happy Halloween everyone, and try not to be the a-hole handing out raisins, toothbrushes and floss this year.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Aquaman ain't no punk
Aquaman, King Of The Seven Seas,
Hail to the King baby. He doesn't talk to fish. He commands them. Period.
I found this link on Everyday Is Like Wednesday, who found it somewhere else, etc. etc.
Monday, October 23, 2006
paging doctor doolittle
Ranger is a mopey dog. He's about 7 years old, starting to show his age as he takes the stairs slowly now. He's half Labrador, half Rotweiller: a good regular and well-behaved dog. I think he misses his owners, because he's been moping about the house like some cheese-eating emo boy, er.. dog. He picks at his food, sleeps all day. I should see if he has some Cure albums hidden about the house. At least he cheers up when it's time for a walk. If I need to do a few extra blocks and that takes us past these nice bakeries and cheese shops in Leslieville, well so be it. That's the sacrifice I'm willing to make for the happiness of a dog.
The cats are a handful. The momma cat and two kittens are playful, with the two kittens taking turns playing follow the leader, which leads into wrestling and more chasing about the house. Last night the games continued into bedtime. As I started to doze off, I heard the faint sound of a little collar bell growing louder, and then ZOOM over the top of my head and then gone again. I forgot how weird cats can be.
And lastly, a word on the raccoons in downtown Toronto. These guys are hardcore. I have 2 different restraints on the garbage bins to keep the little buggers out, so they found a new way to entertain themselves. I woke up to find that the defunct BBQ in the yard had been wiped the hell out. From the quick look this morning, it seems some critter knocked over the BBQ last night (no propane tank) and took the BBQ apart, with the grill, the element and the lid scattered on the patio. I didn't see any footprints, because my other suspicion was that someone had tried to stand on the BBQ in order to climb up to a window, but I saw no footprints and there were other, more stable footholds to be used (regardless, the alarm didn't go off).
raccoons killed the BBQ. That's just mean.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
tales of the ill
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Tales of the Malnourished
Breakfast: Cafe Latte and a cheese croissant
Lunch: Cheese and crackers
Snack: Coffee and a pumpkin spice donut
Dinner: Homemade soup
Concert: 4 beers
Aftershow: Fries and sausages
Can anyone tell me how I didn't drop dead from malnutrition? That was one of the most unbalanced days I've had, but the odd part was I felt fine (yes, even after 4 beers at the concert with nothing substantial in my belly). But looking at that menu is a surely a reminder to me to look after myself better. Hence today's meals:
Breakfast: Bagel with peanut butter, cup of tea
Lunch: Half a chicken wrap and a fruit salad
That's more like it. That's how an adult should eat, not like the "university student during exams" menu from yesterday.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
This would explain the lack of Scottish Ninjas
UPDATE: Awww damn. YouTube pulled all the Robot Chicken clips due to copyright. Hope it gets sorted out with legal.I became a fan of Robot Chicken because of all the great YouTube clips my friends and I traded through emails and blogs, so I would think it benefits them to keep up the viral marketing.
Hulk: "Roddy, we need your stealth. Go take out that guard."
Yes that really is Rowdy Roddy Piper and Hulk Hogan doing their own voice work, no that isn't Iron Sheik or Macho Man Randy Savage doing their own voices, and yes, Macho Man is indeed on Season 6 of The Surreal Life.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Turkey Lurkey

Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Canucks. Seems like the perfect type of fall day for sitting inside, watching football, and eating until I pass out from turkey, pumpkin pie, and the inevitbale box of wine someone dug up. I'm looking just as forward to the leftover and very Atkins-unfriendly Turkey and Stuffing Sandwiches. Gobble gobble.
The 300: Remember The Spartans
The 300 is based on the Frank Miller graphic novel of the same name. Miller is known for such hard boiled works as Sin City and the ground-breaking graphic novel Batman: The Dark Knight Returns. The trailer looks visceral, looking to draw in fans of the battle scenes from The Lord of The Rings and Braveheart. It reminds me of The Battle of Agincourt scenes from the excellent Henry V by Kenneth Branagh, which also saw a smaller army hold off a larger opposition. I'm looking forward to The 300, as it looks like a dirtier, more vivid depiction of war than, say, Troy, which I found made everything a bit too pretty to take seriously as a comment on the brutal nature of war.
Visually this trailer has a dark and brutal beauty, which is understandable as the director is Zach Snyder, who got Hollywood's attention with his 2004 remake of Dawn of The Dead. He's currently linked to the long-gestating production of The Watchmen, based on the revolutionary graphic novel by Alan Moore.
The 300 opens in March 2007.
300 Production Blog
Friday, October 06, 2006
Guess what? Chicken butt.
The fine folks at A List of Things Thrown Together 5 Minutes Ago pointed me towards the blog kept by the writers of Grey's Anatomy, and I saw this amusing post on just how much thought and planning had to go into a scene where Christina (Sandra Oh, fellow Canuck and pretty darn great actress) cleaves a chicken in half. The post is from one of the "new kids" on the writing staff, Debora Cahn, who wrote some good post-Sorkin West Wing episodes, including Leo's Funeral.
The nervous condition came and went over the first weeks on the job, but I think I officially got over it dealing with Cristina and the chicken. Cristina’s decided she’s going to help Burke get back on the horse after his hand surgery, (so sweet, so generous, so unexpected from Cristina) and she’s going to do it by having him practice operating on dead chickens. So when it came time to shoot the episode, there were long conversations with the fantastic production team about the hacking of the chicken. Was it just a chicken breast? Was it a whole fryer? The folks from sets and props had to design a cutting board that could be built into Burke’s counter top, so it wouldn’t fly off the counter, as there was a lot of concern about Sandra Oh getting hit in the face with either a meat cleaver or a chicken. The conversation continued when we hit the stage to rehearse the move with Sandra. Could she get through the bird in one hack or would it take two? (I thought it should be one. It was important to me. I don’t know why.) We had rehearsal chickens. We had stunt chickens. We discovered that the stunt chickens, which had balloons inside them instead of bones, emitted some sort of evil stinky salmonella gas that threatened to kill Sandra on the spot. It was scary. In the end, she made it through in one incredibly satisfying hack. The whole thing just made me really happy.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Gnarls Barkley goes buggy
The arrangement sounds the same to me, more or less a straight cover of a good tune, but this video looks like Mighty Mites on acid. Possibly conceived after huffing a can of bug spray, but I can't confirm that. Or even back that up.
OK Go on Ice
And then I see the ice skating bit. Somehow, I missed this evolution of figure skating, as the Canadian bronze medalists Utako Wakamatsu & Jean-Sebastien Fecteau perform their OK Go routine. If any of you figure skating fans (you know who you are) know whether this was the Nationals or which year this was, let me know please. I don't know which is weirder: that someone adapted the choreography of A Million Ways sucessfully to a figure skating routine, or that this has made me watch figure skating for the first time since the days of Elvis Stojko and Josie Chounard.
Friday, September 29, 2006
information that would have been useful 5 minutes ago
How useless is that? That's a warning that would have been useful about a minute ago. It's like someone falling off a roof and then you tell them "Ooh, you should be careful up there" as they wait for the ambulance to show up.
Somewhat different is someone consoling you after you've been dumped, broken up with someone, or left at the altar. "That guy/girl wasn't right for you, they were a jerk." In that case, yes, it's true and you could have be told that weeks or months ago, but would you have listened? No, probably not, because you would have given the same reply as the guy on the roof who you warn ahead of time to be careful: "I know what I am doing."
No one wants to be told they have bad judgement, but I think recognizing it is a step in the right direction. Or at least keeps your feet on the roof.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
voices in your head
Tell me about your inner monologue:
- Is it a type of voice, male or female?
- Does it just go "la-la-la I'm so pretty" all day?
- Does it have an accent?
- Does it sound like an actor?
- Does your voice sound like Samuel L Jackson somedays: "I want these mutha#*@$ing TPS reports off my mutha#*@$ing desk right now! And where's my mutha#*@$ing coffee?"
- If it sounds like Zach Braff, then you probably watch a lot of Scrubs.
- Does it sound like Marvin the Paranoid Android? (seek help)
- Does it sound like Carrie Bradshaw from Sex In the City? (seek help and a Cosmo)
- Does it sound like a musical? (seek funding)
- Does it encourage you, criticize you?
- Or do you just hear a song or theme music all day?
My inner monologue sometimes slips outside: I ask whether that was my inside or outside voice. "I can't believe I have to spend time with this idiot .... oh, was that my outside voice?"
I think my inner monologue changes narrators a bit. Someday's it's Tom Waits (eccentric and gravelly). Sometime's it sounds like Ian McKellan, but lately I get a lot of Ian McShane/Al Swearengen from Deadwood. I think I'd go batty if it sounded like Dennis Miller or Ray Romano.
My friend on the other hand has a chatty monologue, who can go from demure to lunatic in a minute, and "curses more than an entire platoon of military boys". Which sounds like Helena Bonham Carter in the movie Fight Club.
Who's in your head?
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
That 70's Job
Me + 70s shirt = Me being called Fez all day
I wonder if I can justify Office Space as a training film in my workplace? Oh well, back to my T.P.S. reports and my lava lamp...
Yes, that is John C. McGinley (Dr. Cox from Scrubs) in the interview scene.
Life can't get any Stranger Than Fiction
The voice also says clean my plate and tip generously. My narrator used to be a waiter.
Stranger Than Fiction is one of a handful of movies I look forward to seeing this fall. It stars Will Farrell in a not so typical Farrell role. Farrell plays an IRS agent named Harold Crick, who starts to hear a voice. The voice is narrating the minutiae of Harold's life, and it's the voice of the author (Emma Thompson) who thinks she's merely writing a book. She's convinced she needs to kill off her main character in order to finish the book. Harold is the main character, and he reacts understandably upset when he hears the words "imminent demise". Things get weird.
I enjoy existential comedies and the trailer reminded me of some of the funnier bits in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Groundhog Day, two of my favourite movies that balanced comedic actors with existential insecurities and dire consequences. Dustin Hoffman seems to be channeling the existential detective he played in I Heart Huckabees. Tony Hale (Buster from Arrested Development) and Queen Latifah have parts, and Maggie Gyllenhaal seems to be The Love Interest (yep, she's a favourite too). And the soundtrack? It's scored by Britt Daniel from one of my favourite bands, Spoon. This film seems to be playing a lot of my favourites.
Stranger Than Fiction opens November 10.
'Boondocks' Not Coming Back in Foreseeable Future
“It was obvious that Aaron would not be able to meet his original six-month target of returning ‘The Boondocks’ to newspapers… His Sunday strips needed to be in by mid-September to meet newspapers’ deadlines of publishing ‘The Boondocks’ by the end of October. We had to consider the newspapers currently running ‘The Boondocks’ reruns and expecting its return. It was unfair to keep them guessing any longer.”
McGruder took a hiatus from the strip last year in order to recharge his creative battery. Now it looks like he's not coming back at all. This may be the end of the comic strip, but McGruder continues working on the Boondocks cartoon, which has been renewed for a second season. That's a shame, as I enjoyed the comic strips more than the cartoon.Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Will Garrett Morris play Danny Glover?
"Law & Order" taps Chevy Chase for "Mel Gibson" role
The "SNL" alum will guest as a celebrity who goes on a religious diatribe after police stop him for DUI, and arrest him with blood-soaked clothes.
Monday, September 25, 2006
well that didn't suck
Saturday was a good day. I went to visit some old friends in Peterborough, which I enjoyed more than I thought I would. Well, i knew that visiting Greg & Mich would be fun, but Peterborough has some nice places to hang out. Alas, we couldn't track down a karaoke bar, but we did check in at the town's only martini bar, The Saphire Room. Really nice space which reminded me of the smaller lounges I enjoy in Toronto. The drink menu had some depth to it and the bartenders were quicker than I thought they'ld be with the more complicated cocktails. There seemed to be several bachelorette parties wandering through the downtown too, like some universal constant: wherever there are bars that serve "Slippery Nipple" or "Sex on the Beach", there will be a bachelorette party and a bride-to-be with a tiara and an inflatable penis.
It hadn't occured to me that Peterborough is a university town until I got into the downtown area. It reminded me pleasantly of Guelph, with it's preserved downtown buildings and lines of boutiques, bars, second hand book shops, and mom & pop stores. Also the $2.75 drink night at the Trasheteria would have surely rekindled some fond memories if we had gotten our second wind.
The Trasheteria has two locations I know of, one in Peterborough and the other in Guelph. Most of my early bar-going experiences were at the Trasheteria in Guelph, where Retro 80s nights went hand in hand with my first Rye & Ginger. Nostalagia rather than common sense urged me to try the Peterborough Trasheteria for old time sakes.
"Greg, we have to got to the Trash! Come on! If they're playing Bauhaus we just have to go!". Greg was willing to take me up on that condition, but there were no strains of "Bela Lugosi's Dead" to be heard, so we moved on down the road. Perhaps another time.
The only downside to the night was the perplexing behaviour of the cabs who would drive around with their top lights on even when they had a fare. They must have been passing us by so they could go to Trent University for larger fares.
Most of my previous Peterborough experience was marketing a cottage life magazine at the Peterborough Fair and Tractor Pull, so it was nice to experience more to my tastes.
Friday, September 22, 2006
where it's at
Just thought you should know that things are pretty good right now.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Elmo... TO THE EXTREME!!!!!!
TMX Elmo (yes, really its name) slaps his knee, rolls on the floor and clutches his tummy as he stop just short of pissing himself with laughter. I can already picture my 4 year old god-daughter imitating TMX Elmo on Christmas Day. Nothing says Christmas like trying to stop a child from pounding the floor with laughter during grace.
Why is it necessary for Elmo to be Extreme? Extreme is such a 90s type of marketing phrase. Does Elmo pound back Red Bull and Mountain Dew, go bungee jumping and the hit the skate park? Is he snorting a line of cocaine off of Big Bird's beak and then driving to Vegas with Oscar the Grouch, whilst imaginary bats and Snuffalupgus chase them across the desert?
I anxiously await all manner of inappropriate videos of this doll in action to hit YouTube.
CNNMoney.com: Top-secret Elmo revealed! Fisher-Price's 10th anniversary of the Sesame Street doll is a hysterically laughing, belly-clutching, floor-thumping extreme version of itself.
Out, damned semi-colon! Out, I say!
I imagine the creativity that went into creating a new band name will be reflected in the quality of the song writing too.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
How to Comment or otherwise tell me to shut the hell up.
1. click on the "comments" hyperlink at the bottom of the blog entry on which you'd like to comment
2. type your comment into the text box
3. when asked for your identity, simply select "other" -- this opens two new fields: one for your name (or handle or however you'd like to be identified), and one for your website's URL (if you have one or feel like putting one in...it's not necessary)
4. then click "publish your comment" and presto! you did it! hooray!
It's quick, easy and completely anonymous (i.e., in case you're worried, we can't trace you or anything). So, please, comment away!
Evangelline Lilly isn't covered by this policy is she?
Producers have reportedly forbidden Josh Holloway, Matthew Fox and Dominic Monaghan from swimming in the buff, out of concern for their image.
If producers really wanted to protect the public image of the Lost cast, they ought to take away all their driver's licenses while in Hawaii and hire a chauffeur/body guard for each of them.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
The Mixtape Story mixtape
The Mixtape Story playlist:
1 | The Dandy Warhols - Bohemian Like You |
2 | Stars - Ageless Beauty |
3 | The Arcade Fire - Wake Up |
4 | Badly Drawn Boy - Another Pearl |
5 | K-OS - Crabbuckit |
6 | Christine Fellows - Souvenirs |
7 | Spoon - The Way We Get By |
8 | Wilco - Outtasite (Outta Mind) |
9 | Calexico - Not Even Stevie Nicks... |
10 | The Dears - No Cities Left |
11 | Feist - Inside and Out |
12 | Death Cab for Cutie - Soul Meets Body |
13 | Aimee Mann - Satellite |
14 | Controller.Controller - Silent Seven |
15 | Beck - Girl |
16 | Phoenix - Everything Is Everything |
17 | Modest Mouse - Float On |
18 | Clem Snide - Moment in the Sun |
19 | Jason Collett - All I've Ever Know |
20 | Alejandro Escovedo - Wave |
We'll try something to keep you kind readers coming back here. I know I haven't been posting in a regular or timely matter, as life has gotten a bit busier over the past month. Every Monday I'll try to post a new mixtape/playlist, each about a compact disc-length compilation. I'll leave it up about a week and then put a new one up. Here's the The Mixtape Story playlist.
All posted songs were purchased, and I have personally contacted every person who downloads them to make sure that they already own a copy of each song. All tracks are posted out as a fan, and I hope you will be a fan too. If you like anything you see here, please support the artist and buy it and see their shows. Any music that is posted here is for evaluation purposes only. If anything needs to be taken down email me and i'll make it happen.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Holy Matrimony!

All the best to my friend Nicole this weekend as she takes a leap into the nuptial pool.
All right, in English, one of my best friends is getting married this weekend. It's a small affair, mainly family, so I'll have to settle for sending my best wishes and planning an Autumn roadtrip to Ottawa to help celebrate once the dust has settled from the whole thing. The wedding itself sounded like what a lot of weddings miss out on: fun and celebration. Too many bridezillas, parental interference and 16-person wedding parties out there for my tastes. I think weddings should represent the couple getting married. If the groom has made 6 groomsmen, guess who he's spending most of his quality time with outside of the office.
Nicole went with the above cake topper, which suits her and Mr. Nicole's personalities. I sent along this suggestion for a cake-topper I found on Accordion Guy's blog:

Note: I've seen this noted topper called "Drunk Groom", but I think it should be "Reluctant Groom": note the fingernail marks he leaves in the icing. I wish there was a CSI division that deals just with cake. CSI: Entemann's. CSI: Dufflets. Mhmmmm cake.
the odd intention aka The Mixtape Story
Now, I make mixtapes all the time. I use them to promote bands I like, to turn friends on to music they may not have heard but would like. Most of the bands don't get to much commercial airplay, but deserve to be heard by a larger audiene: I'm pretty sure every mix disc I ever made has at least one Spoon song on it. So to me, this was just another music sampler disc. It wasn't planned as a mixtape:
mixtape as defined by Urban Dictionary
A homemade music compilation (usually on cassette or CD-R) that contains all your favourite tracks. Often you give such a compilation to the guy or gal of your fancy in hopes that it will help you win their heart.
There's no way that girl can say no, I made her the greatest mixtape ever!
She called on her way down for the second date and said she was looking forward to listening to the CD I promised. The honest truth was I forgot until she mentioned it in the call. I picked the songs and burned it in the 30 minutes it took her to come down. I burned about 20 songs that I liked, some cool music that may have gone unnoticed on commercial radio: some Dandy Warhols, some Feist, the mandatory Spoon song.
The songs were sort of random, nothing particularly romantic, no songs with "Love" in the title or anything like that: just good music. I wasn't trying to seduce her with a mixtape, letting her know what a sensitive guy I was, like some cheese-eating emo boy. It was only a second date after all, we were still early into the "getting to know you" stage.
We were talking on MSN Messenger during the following week and she mentioned how she loved several of the songs, and how some of them spoke to her about us.
There was an "us"??? She was reading more into it than I had ever meant; if I had meant for a disc to be a "mixtape", she would have known it.
I wasn't trying to win her heart. All I had wanted was for her to stop listening to Nickleback.
the odd observation
After a kiss my date asked: "Have you only kissed women shorter than you?"
??????? i wondered what the "tell" was; must have had something to do with applied pressure. it wasn't like i rested my drink on her head or something...
the odd compliment
"My mom thinks you're nice. She said you looked at (the women at your table) with interest but not like a predator."
does bad mean good?
Me: ...and the suit that Randy got made for him is supposed to be great.
Friend: I thought he didn't like it.
Me: What gave you that idea?
Friend: His MSN Messenger signature said the suit was "ill".
The Urban Dictionary definition of "ill"
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
This could make top five musical crimes perpetuated by Broadway

I love the book and movie for Nick Hornby's book High Fidelity so much, but the thought of a High Fidelity musical, with original tunes raeplacing the soundtrack that was so necessary for that book and film, makes me vomit in my mouth a little.
My Top 5 John Cusack Movies:
1. High Fidelity: a main character who is an asshole, and freely admits it. I thought Rob was a pretty realistic character: a guy could identify with the recognizable record crate full of male neurosis and insecurities. One of the few book-to-movie translations that worked for me. Plus a killer soundtrack.
2. Say Anything - the ultimate date movie, so much so that most of the women I know think this should be number 1 on the list. Gives hope to every guy that they can date outside of their league. That "holding the boombox outside her window" scene is a classic. Writer-director Cameron Crowe was at his best with Cusack, so maybe they should collaborate again. Piven points*
3. Grosse Pointe Blank - another killer soundtrack, a fun off-beat movie that plays a lot better than the basic concept "hitman goes to his ten-year high school reunion". I loved the chemistry between Minnie Driver and John Cusack, and extra Piven points ("Ten! Years!") Rumours of a sequel have floated about for ages.
4. The Grifters - one of my favourite dramatic performances, John is a con artist, who gets entangled in a battle of with his mother and his girlfriend, who are also both con artists or grifters. Definitely not played for laughs. You can taste the desperation in this character based film, and it taste like copper pennies.
5. One Crazy Summer - a sentimental favourite. It's a goofy, lightweight "how I spent the summer" teen comedy. I remember it as the movie that made my laugh out loud during one of my first trips to visit my mom after my parent's divorce. It gave me laughs, I give it loyalty in return. The finale of the centers around a regatta in which the everyman teens must beat the rich snobs at the yacht club. A young Demi Moore as the love interest and a return of Curtis "Booger" Armstrong as Cusack's best friend (the two were great in Better Off Dead, which would be #6 on this list). Was Curtis Armstrong used only whenever Jeremy Piven isn't available? Nope, cause Piven's in this one too.
*Just how many movies have John Cusack and Jeremy Piven appeared in together?
One Crazy Summer (1986)
Say Anything (1989)
The Grifters (1990)
Bob Roberts (1992)
The Player (1992)
Gross Pointe Blank (1997)
Serendipity (2001)
Runaway Jury (2003)
A close second are the Tim Robbins/John Cusack collaborations:
The Sure Thing (1985)
Tapeheads (1988)
Bob Roberts (1992) (Cusack/Piven/Robbins) trifecta
The Player (1992) (Cusack/Piven/Robbins) trifecta
Cradle Will Rock (1999) (Robbins directing Cusack)
High Fidelity (2000)
Friday, September 08, 2006
'Idol' singer Clay Aiken may serve Bush
Clay Aiken is in line to be named to the President's Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities, the White House said Wednesday. more...
Why can't Ben Affleck be this funny in movies?
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Massive Attack Out, BSS Returns to The Island
Broken Social Scene have been added to the V-Fest line-up in their place. Broken Social Scene look to be finishing up a great summer of festival shows. Their performance at the Lollapalooza festival in Chicago was a highlight of the event.
From Toronto Star.com:
The snag has forced the band to cancel the first four dates on the North American tour, including Toronto, Montreal, Detroit and Chicago. The cancelled stops will be rescheduled at a later date.
People who purchased tickets to the weekend event with the expectation of seeing Massive Attack can get a full refund at the point of purchase until noon on Sunday, organizers said.
Broken Social Scene will fill the Sunday time slot of 9:45 p.m., said Rebecca Teal, a spokeswoman for V Fest promoters Emerge Entertainment.
"This was out of our control," she said. "Obviously, it was a blow, but replacing Massive Attack with Broken Social Scene is pretty huge," Teal said. "They’re a fantastic band."
The addition of Broken Social Scene is a coup for the local outfit, which will probably play in front of the biggest crowd of its career.
The weather should smile favourably on the V Fest this weekend, as sunny skies and temperatures expected to hit a high of 25C on Saturday and 17C on Sunday.
Tickets, available at Ticketmaster and are $57.50 for a one-day pass and $104.50 or a weekend pass. Included in the price is the $7 ferry trip.
Concertgoers can visit the Star's special V-Fest section for set times and the full lineup.
How stupid is a hedgehog?
Good for the hedgehogs, but if they were being outsmarted by McFlurry cups, maybe that was just natural selection culling the herd...
Hedgehogs have finally humbled burger giant McDonald's after years of campaigning, forcing the company to redesign its killer McFlurry ice-cream containers.
Up to now the opening in the container has been large enough for hedgehogs to get their heads into for a lick of the left-over dessert -- a trap they have then been unable to withdraw from, so dying of starvation in untold numbers.
But from September 1, the wide-mouthed opening in the lid of the McFlurry containers will be reduced in size, making them too small for the sugar-loving animals to get their heads into.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
everyone should know a bumblebee girl
Today I give you a favourite song and best wishes on your birthday.
Blind Melon - "No Rain"
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
OK Go to Rock the Treadmills at VMAs
One of my favourite highlights of past MTV Video Awards is this performance by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs of the song "Maps" back in 2004.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Pepperpot: August 18th, the most 18thiest day ever.
Keeping in the long time Hollywood tradition of former child stars falling from grace, which I've dubbed Pulling a Corey, actor Haley Joel Osment (The Sixth Sense, Forest Gump) is facing charges of drunk driving and possession of pot as a result of a car accident last month. This must be what happens when Mel Gibson is your scout troop leader.
Get these mother#$&%ing critics off my mother#$&%ing plane!
This is the weekend when Snakes on a Plane finally debuts. While we have to wait and see what the results of all the months of internet hype has any affect on box office numbers, critics will have to wait even longer to see the movie. The studio denied critics the opportunity to screen the movie, which means there are no reciews available opening day. Seems like a bonehead move, as I think most critics would have gone with the spirit of the movie and looked at is as a "good" bad movie, and at heart most movie critics are film geeks, like the ones who have been hyping the movie for months.
Wolverine vs. Superman
X-Men 3 was a below-par sequel that did big box office. Superman Returns wasn't the outright blockbuster Warner Brothers Studio hoped for. The Hollywood Reporter has an in-depth analysis of the fates of both films and how they affect the future developments for their respective studios. Bryan Singer, who directed the first two X-Men films (the good ones) and did Superman Returns said he is perfectly willing to do another X-Men film to "fix" the franchise.
BTW The sequel to Hellboy, one of my favourite comic book movies of the past few years, is still up in the air. The first one did decent business but the sequel hasn't been greenlit said the director of the first film Guillermo del Toro, despite a script being written.
And your fun timewaster of the day: The Stephen Colbert "On Notice Board" Generator.

Oscar the Grouch must work in Northwest's HR
Also among the tips: No. 48: Move to a less expensive place to live; and No. 59: Never grocery shop hungry.
Northwest Airlines, which has slashed wages and jobs and is looking to lay off more workers as it exits bankruptcy, has apologized for distributing a booklet of money-savings tips for workers that includes advice that they go dumpster-diving.
The fifth-largest U.S. carrier put the tips in a booklet handed out to about 50 workers and posted for a time on its employee Web site. The booklet was part of a 150-page packet to ground workers, such as baggage handlers, whose jobs will likely be cut after their union agreed to allow the airline to outsource some of their work.
Monday, August 14, 2006
The word "Stars" is thrown about rather loosely
TUCKER CARLSON – MSNBC news anchor -- and often controversial -- conservative political TV pundit and columnist. Wonder if Jon Stewart may cover this on The Daily Show.
MONIQUE COLEMAN – Actress and teen idol from Disney Channel’s smash hit “High School Musical.”
SARA EVANS – Country Music Award-winning and top-selling singing sensation. Who?
WILLA FORD – Singing sensation and self-professed “bad girl of pop.” The Lee Aaron of her time.
VIVICA A. FOX – Stunning film and television actress/producer who has starred in several major blockbusters including “Kill Bill” and “Independence Day.” What happenned to her career???
HARRY HAMLIN – Film and TV star of the hit, award-winning drama series “L.A. Law” and husband of “Dancing with the Stars” alumna Lisa Rinna. 'cause when you can't get Corbin Bernsen, gotta get Harry. Seriously, what else was he doing?
JOE (not Joey?) LAWRENCE – Actor and former teen heartthrob. Whoa.
MARIO LOPEZ – Actor form Saved By The Bell. Suppose Jessie Spano could drop by and show him some moves? I just can't picture Slater throwing the jazzhands.
SHANNA MOAKLER – National beauty queen, actress, model and reality television star.
EMMITT SMITH – An NFL legend and three-time Super Bowl champion who holds the world’s all-time leading rushing record and is considered one of the greatest football players to ever play the game.
JERRY SPRINGER – Notorious TV talk show host. Amongst all the cheese, this one surprises me.
So there you go, try to pick out which parts of your brain watching this show will kill and giver.
source:KnoxNews | Tele-buddy's Tinseltown Tales
Friday, August 11, 2006
A is for Airplane, Arrests, and AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!
The disturbing bit was how haphazard the "don't permit any liquids on board" directive was handled on site, as this post on Boing Boing wonders if the liquid could be explosive, why are you dumping it in a crowd?
I think we only have one solution left to ensure safe air travel: Naked Airlines.
Flyers will disrobe preflight and go on board totally nude. Maybe the lights could be out, glowsticks and carpet lights only. First class would have to be restircted to boob jobs, pec implants and tummy tucks. Maybe not totally nude, we could have everyone fly in those disposable hospital gowns.
For the latest news, check out:
BBC World News
The Explainer on Slate.com asks Can You Drink Explosives? like those Daffy Duck cartoons where he drinks Nitro Glycerine.
Seens like Rowan Atkinson is keen on reprising his role as Lord Blackadder from the classic British TV series Black Adder. You remember t...
Based on a conversation with a friend, I put this forth to my readers. The term cougar is used frequently (but not really justly, some takin...
The Wonder of the Wild: ROM presents the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition.
Curiosity and the Cat / © Hannes Lochner (South Africa) I’ve been visiting the Royal Ontario Museum regularly, mainly through the Friday N...