Friday, November 10, 2006

Do you have a reservation for "Mr. Bag"? First name is "Douche"

scooped from the Torontoist
Posted by Karen Whaley

Streeter: Homophobic Dining Edition
Overheard at a King Street eatery, 10:00 PM Tuesday.

Patron*: "Excuse me, waitress? Can I please be moved to a different table? I think the two men at the table next to mine are gay."

Waitress: "And you don't want to catch it, right?"

Patron: "Well, I'm not worried about that. I'm just concerned know...hearing private conversations."

Didn't anyone tell him this was Canada? We let gay people get married here.

*On a side-note, Patron was the holder of a Centurion Card, an American Express credit card for the rich and famous which requires its holder to charge a minimum of US$250,000 annually. Which just goes to show that money can buy you a lot of things, but not tolerance and a little class.


Anonymous said...

The comments on the original post are amusing - how quickly they degenerated into "you're intolerant" "no - you're intolerant!" Guys? It was a funny story. Let's laugh and move on, shall we?

~ said...

I used to think that the homophobia in Canada was terrible. Then we moved to Virginia.

A regular character in our life told me that he "whooped [his] boy for talkin' like a nancy."

His boy is 3.

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