Thursday, April 20, 2006

Lost has become appointment TV for me: I clear time to watch it. The main reason, aside from it's addictive nature, it to prevent plot twists from being ruined before I watch the episode. As we have a break before the new episodes of Lost start airing again, I thought I'd share some questions I have about the show that haven't been answered as of this writing. I think the writers love keeping the fans off-guard and plant red-herrings (sometimes a cigar is just a cigar). I tend to think things that are too obvious, like whether Libby was an Other, are just that, too obvious an answer to go with . Info on the new episodes and when they air is at the bottom.


according to Entertainment Weekly: ''Lost'': Decoding Dharma's mission...
As voted on by you, the Lost fan. The most FREQUENTLY cited mysteries, in de
clining order:

No. 10 What is the significance of the black and white stones found near the waterfall?
No. 9 Why do the Others use disguises?
No. 8 What are the Others doing to their abducted children?
No. 7 Where is Walt?
No. 6 What is the Monster?
No. 5 Jack's dad's casket was found empty. What happened to the body?
No. 4 Who are the ''Adam and Eve'' skeletons found at the waterfall?
No. 3 Where is Michael? (answer coming soon)

And, running almost dead even for the top two slots:

No. 2 Where is Desmond and where did he come from?
No. 1 What happened to Locke's legs? How’d he end up in a wheelchair?

The2scoops wonders:

Do the Others know about the hatch with the computer? Are there multiple groups or factions of Others?

What triggers the food drops? There seems to be a causal relationship between the hatch locking down and the food drop. Does unlocking the hatch cause the food to drop, like rewarding a labrat with a bit of cheese?

How crazy is Libby, is she safe or dangerous? Did she stalk Hurley to the flight (tricky since we saw he was running late and was the last one on the plane)?

What caused Mr. Eko to leave Africa and end up on Flight 815?

How did Sayid leave Iraq? We saw he learned torture during the Persian Gulf war. He had a career in torture, then he was assigned to torture Nadia and helped her escape, but what happened after that and before he was in Australia?

Did the island cure Jin’s impotence and that’s how Sun is pregnant?

Is there a connection between Sawyer and Locke’s father, who was also a conman?

What’s the backstory on Jack’s tattoo? He got it after his marriage ended at some point, possibly in Thailand.

I don’t imagine there’s much backstory left to tell on Kate, Claire, Rose, Michael, Hurley, or Charlie. But let me mess with your heads: are the flashbacks “real” or are they manufactured memories (like character outlines) that the island is inducing in these people?

A rundown of the last Lost episodes of the season:

4/26/06 (We.) 9:00 PM (#219.5) Reckoning
(Not a new episode, a clip show based on how faith has affected the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815)

5/03/06 (We.) (#220) Two for the Road
(An Ana Lucia-flashback) Michael shares what he learned about The Others while Ana-Lucia has a chat with Henry Gale.

5/10/06 (We.) (#221) (?)
(A Mr. Eko-flashback) Possibly has something to do with the church Charlie and Eko are building.

5/17/06 (We.) (#222) Three Minutes
Michael flashback to what happened to him on his hunt for the Others

5/24/06 (We.) (#223/224)
2 Hour Season finale, speculation points to a Desmond flashback (the guy they found in the hatch) and the explanation of why Oceanic Flight 815 crashed on the island. If there is a Desmond story, it’s probably something creepy like how he met several of the survivors before the crash or at least how he ended up on the island.

I expect the DVD set of Season 2 will come out late August, early September, before Season 3 starts. Feel free to add to or take apart any of my thoughts on the show.


Matthew Guerrero said...

First of all: cool site. Very in depth, dude.

I'm glad they're giving both Ana and Eko additional flashbacks, but I'm more than a bit surprised that Jack isn't getting another. But I would go out of my mind for a Desmond flashback, I hope he's a big part of season three, because I loved that character.
I'll be checking back here for my non-spoiler updates (I've been so good about not spoiling myself with LOST, much better than with Star Wars last year).