Monday, April 03, 2006

The Onion's A.V. Club has a good read on their site about Eight Sure-Fire Fiascoes That Unexpectedly Succeeded. These are 8 pop culture artifacts that really had every reason to fail but went on to succeed.

1. Titanic (movie 1997)
2. The Passion Of The Christ (movie 2004)
3. Late Night With Conan O'Brien (TV 1993 to present)
4. Charlie's Angels (movie 2000)
5. Apocalypse Now (movie 1979)
6. Dances With Wolves (movie 1990)
7. The Office, (American TV version 2005 to present)
8. Steve Martin's Pink Panther (movie 2006)

I think I would tack on the Battlestar Gallactica remake that is such a success on TV and DVD. It could have been just another flaky nostalgia retread, but it seems to have become one of the best sci-fi TV ever. And The Matrix suprised me when it first came out. And anyone who caught the first couple of episodes of Seinfeld couldn't have seen the long term success that would come.

Any other films/shows that succeeded despite all odds?