Wednesday, January 18, 2006

One of my favourite albums of 2005 was Jason Collett - Idols Of Exile. I love this album, it's just beautiful roots rock, like that sensation of nostalgia for a summer cottage night. It's been out in Canada for months, but the US release is coming up February 7th. He's a father, he's a carpenter, he sings about the suburban trauma that was growing up in Bramalea ON and of summer nights. Jason plays with Broken Social Scene and many members of that collective contribute to this album. Take the opportunity to see him live if you can.

Here is my favourite track off the album. Right click and save to give it a try: We All Lose One Another

Listen to individual tracks at the Arts and Crafts label site Idols Of Exile:

Interview with Jason from NOW Magazine: NOW: Jason's back, Mar 17 - 23, 2005.