Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Conservatives in, Liberals out, Bloc down seats, NDP up seats. Canada wanted to punish Liberals, but not completely sold on a move to the Right. We’ll still end up doing this again next year. Sam “Hollywood’s MP” Bulte out in my High-Park Parkdale riding, NDP Peggy Nash finally in. Bulte took a beating in the blog & online community for her stance on stricter copyright laws while at the same time receiving significant contributions from the Canadian and American entertainment industry. NDP Olivia Chow finally won her Toronto riding also. Voter turnout was up for the first time in years. And all those leftover signs make good toboggans.

Thorough coverage of the election and its results: Canadian federal election, 2006 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. All types of pretty charts and breakdowns.

Excellent article in Slate details how the post-election results were covered by newspapers across Canada: Go, Canada - The Canadian press welcomes a new leader. By June Thomas

And just because it’s been on your minds: How would the Simpson characters vote? Daimnation!: The Springfield Campaign

For a take on the Bulte business, prominent Toronto and High Park resident Accordion Guy has all the coverage at The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century: Sayonara, Sam


ASAM said...

I hope the Concervatives don't last. At least.....if they do...then that they take into account better healthcare, the poor, etc. etc.