Software Better Than Men Pros (thanks for the input Nikita):
- Will respond to input
- Can be debugged
- Can be upgraded to a better version
- Will not be obsessed with sports or anything else unless you program it that way
- Can follow directions
- Comes with a manual and help commands
- Only need to be reminded once about anniversaries and birthdays
- Software won't notice how nice you look in those shoes
- Software doesn't dance
- Software won't pick up the dry cleaning
- Software may recommend a good movie, but never springs for popcorn
- Software doesn't know massage
- And I have yet to find software that makes a good martini. They always add too much vermouth.
We'll leave out the obvious "physical" shortcomings of software. That's more of a hardware issue and frankly, a little harder for us to argue against.
I feel I have to explain myself... I was not the friend who thought it would be better to marry software then a man. I was just giving reasons why she may feel that way. :)
I am actually quite happy with my man and since I'm a software tester I know how buggy software actually is.
Yes, Nikita is an innocent 3rd party, and has no plan to replace her husband with Windows Vista. Now when Apple finally releases Jaguar/OS, then we'll look again...
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