Thursday, May 11, 2006

I manage not to drown everyday, but I don't go around calling it magic. After his failed attempt at holding his breath for 9 minutes following a one-week residency in a water-filled sphere (snowglobe) in Lincoln Center in New York, David Blaine is going to try again.

David Blaine's card tricks and illusions are magic tricks, but these self-glorifying stunts are the daytime talkshow equivalent of magic. And despite the likely permanent damage he's done to his body through this and other stunts, not to mention how no woman would ever let him touch them with his big water bloated hands, (not to mention the Seinfeldian "shrinkage")this idiot is going to make another attempt at his trick. I hope we remember how "magical" it all is when he lines up for a liver transplant and takes the spot of someone who didn't willingly damage his body for the sake of a little celebrity. You know, like alcoholics.

I'll take GOB's inept brand of magic over David Blaine's trick anyday of the week. I think GOB says it best:
Michael: So this is the magic trick, huh?
Gob: Illusion, Michael. A trick is something a whore does for money...

Arrested Development

David Blaine wants to do it again
In the aftermath of his failed stunt, Blaine cried and felt like he let people down, says Dr. Murat Gunel, the head of Blaine's medical team. And that's why he wants to try breaking the breath-holding record again -- except without submerging himself in a tank for a week. 'He is going over everything he did and analyzing what happened,' says Gunel. 'He is remarkably strong.' - [ TV t a t t l e . c o m ]:
Gothamist's pros and cons about the stunt and TV special:
- Maybe a temporary fishtank at Lincoln Center is not a bad idea
- David Blaine's flabby pre-stunt body (good for laughs)
- Seeing his gross hands and feet - a lesson to all of us not to be crazy
- Evel Knievel wearing his oxygen tube as David Blaine held his breath
- When the divers had to "rescue" Blaine - they were so cool in their silver divesuits!

- The special was all filler - it could have been a swift one hour (and not enough street magic)
- Seeing how David Blaine lost 50 pounds, because it shows we're sorely lacking in discipline (and a team of trainers)
- Stuart Scott stinks as a host
- David Blaine's monotone voiceover during the taped parts of the special- show some excitement, okay?

Gothamist: Blame it on the Blaine