Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Filmmaker Kevin Smith has been posting pictures on his blog My Boring Ass Life for the film he is working on now, Clerks 2: The Passion of the Clerks. Spoilers are all over the place, but it looks like a fun trip with tonnes of familiar actors from the five films of Smith's Jersey trilogy (Clerks, Mallrats, Dogma, Chasing Amy, Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back). Click here for more picks and a link to the "making of" video diary, described wittily as "a video journal chronicling a disaster in the making".

Chasing Amy is a favourite of the2scoops, as is An Evening With Kevin Smith, a hilarious compilation of talks he gave at various universities, recounting so-bizarre-they-must-be-true stories of encounters with religion, Prince, blood thirsty zippers, a vengeful Tim Burton, a meeting for Superman that takes the stars from your eyes when it comes to movie making, and plenty of self-depreciating barbs. Kevin Smith comes cross as a funny and grounded storyteller, the type of guys you'd want to have have pints with. You'll be pleased to know a sequel, Evening Harder With Kevin Smith will be released soon, including footage from his Toronto stop.