Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Serenity - official site

Go. Go now. Bring a friend or 8. Just go see this movie. It is science fiction, it is comedy, action, western, drama. It is a work of love and heart. Forget the Jessica Alba not even-softcore diving pic, blow off Flightplan (trust me) and see a movie that will make you shiny shiny. If you haven't watched the series Firefly, don't worry. A couple of friends with no knowledge of the TV series went and they completely loved it ... and promptly bought the Firefly TV Series the next day. Most new fans will go and buy/rent/borrow the DVD's afterwards and will find the experience all the better.

Disappointed with the Star Wars prequels? Lost interest in Star Trek? Looking for a fix since the Lord of the Rings ended? Then go to your nearest cinema and watch Serenity and come out with a smile. It might not win Oscars, it may not change the world, but its a good movie that deserves interest.

Review is forthcoming, but do yourself a favour, support this film so it can be the new start to something wonderful for this crew. It was brought back because of the fans, cast, and creator love it. It just needs a bit more love to keep her flying.

I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar.


Anonymous said...

Have to totally agree!! It was a great movie
