Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The answer is my office's nice gesture on my birthday. Yes, it's my birthday today.

It's funny how the most obvious thing didn't occur to me.

What didn't occur to me is that this is the first time in years where I don't have to work the night shift. At the book company it was always the first business day of the year and we did inventory that time. The last few years in my old department, it would be a mandatory work night due to it being the first banking day after the holidays. I usually do a weekend party, but it never crossed my mind that one should actually go out on one's own birthday.

Duh. Who says you get smarter with age? Oh well, some hasty calls and an evening of wings and beer to be had. Still going out on the weekend to get snookered though.


brokenengine said...

Hey! I didn't know we shared a Birthday! It's mine too!

I'm meeting a bunch of friends at the Gladstone on Friday night to see The Dunes and celebrate. If you're not otherwise engaged, you could meet us there!