Wednesday, November 01, 2006

From Nicole:
My boss taught his little boy a cute party trick. Instead of 'what does the cow say?' he asks him:

"What does the zombie say?"

and the 3 year old sticks his arms out in front of him and in a scary voice:


Greg & Mich dressed up their daughter Brenna as a princess this year. She's probably the only trick or treater who had D&D character sheet made up for her: "OK sweetie, remember: you're a human princess with D6 Initiative, +2 Charisma, and you need to roll for damage. Who's Daddy's little paladin?"

A couple of times last night, I'd be hanging on to one of the kittens with one hand to keep them from running out the door and handing out candy with the other hand. A lot of the kids seemed mroe excited to pet a kitten than to get candy.


Anonymous said...

well I think her charisma would be a lot higher than plus 2!
She is my daughter after all!

Actually we saw a lot of little boys with the jerkin and sword on - one little guy even had a bullet wound in his head.

glad you had a good halloweƩn we had about 50+ kids

Anonymous said...

Thats hilarious. I'm SO going to teach Max that!

Anonymous said... comin' to our birthday party or what, dude? Saturday. Be there.